Tuesday 14 November 2017

Hedgehog Trading System

1. En rekke nært plantede busker eller lavvoksende trær som danner et gjerde eller en grense. 2. En linje av mennesker eller gjenstander som danner en barriere: En hekke av tilskuere langs fortauet. en. Et middel til beskyttelse eller forsvar, spesielt mot økonomisk tap: en sikring mot inflasjon. b. En verdipapirtransaksjon som reduserer risikoen på en eksisterende investeringsposisjon. 4. Et forsettlig ikke-tvilsomt eller tvetydig utsagn. 5. Et ord eller en setning, som mulig eller jeg tror, ​​som reduserer eller svekker sikkerheten til en uttalelse. 1. Å legge ved eller binde med eller som med hekk. 2. For å hindre, hindre eller begrense eller som med en hekk. 3. For å minimere eller beskytte mot tapet ved å motbalanse en transaksjon, for eksempel en innsats mot en annen. 1. Å plante eller dyrke hekker. 2. Å ta kompenserende tiltak for å motvirke eventuell tap. 3. For å unngå å gjøre et klart, direkte svar eller erklæring. Midt engelsk, fra gammel engelsk hecg. Tesaurus Antonyms Relaterte ord Synonymer Legend: sikring - enhver teknikk som er utformet for å redusere eller eliminere finansiell risiko, for eksempel å ta to posisjoner som vil kompensere hverandre hvis prisene endrer sikkerheten. beskyttelse - forsvar mot økonomisk fiasko økonomisk uavhengighet hans pensjon ga ham sikkerhet i sin aldersforsikring sørget for beskyttelse mot tap av lønn på grunn av sykdomssikring - en forsettlig ikke-tvilsom eller tvetydig erklæring når du sier at du kanskje bare sikrer ekvivalenter. unnskyldning - en uttalelse som ikke er bokstavelig talt falsk, men som smidig unngår en ubehagelig sannhet Referanser i klassisk litteratur Det var den samme slags antitemisk blanding i Martin Poyser: han var så ypperlig en disposisjon at han hadde vært snillere og mer respektfull enn noensinne å hans gamle far siden han hadde gjort gjerning av all sin eiendom, og ingen dømte sine naboer mer veldedig på alle personlige forhold, men for en bonde som for eksempel Luke Britton, hvis faller ikke var renset godt, hvem visste ikke Rudimentene av sikring og grøfting, og viste en liten andel av dommen ved kjøp av vinterlager, var Martin Poyser så vanskelig og ustabil som den nordøstlige vinden. Jeg antar at det må være en slags guddomssikring i en kapteinskone (men utrolig) som forhindret ham til å søke henne den foraktige definisjonen i hemmeligheten til hans tanker. I landet var det drenering og sikring. planting og rydding, til neste sommer så hele landet gull med hveteavlingen. Mark-to-market: Ta sikringsgevinster eller tap på markedsmarkedet, i stedet for å bli behandlet som et element av kostnads - eller salgsgevinster (selv om varelageret sikres ikke er markert). Fortsatt slike sikringsprogrammer vil bety markedsøkonomisk regnskap på sikringsinstrumentene, mens opphør av selskaper vil utsette selskapene for uønskede prisrisiko. Hovedfunksjonene i HIP inkluderer porteføljestyring, for sporing og evaluering av investeringer i underliggende fond Shadow Regnskap for overvåking, avstemming og prognose porteføljekontanter, betalingsmålinger, og valutasaldi Likviditet, for å bestemme hvor mye penger som kan innløses fra sikringsfond over tid og FX Sikring . beregning av eksponering, sikringsbehov og bestemmelse av gevinster på eksisterende sikringer. En HEDGING STRATEGI KAN VÆRE like enkelt som en langsiktig fastrentekontrakt eller så komplisert som å sette opp et fullt bemannet handelsbord. Komplekse skatteregler kan også skape resultatrapportering som ikke gjenspeiler den generelle økonomien som er involvert i sikringsstrategier. Sikrings - og sikringsbokføring - Sikrings - og sikringsbokføring krever tidlig vurdering siden sikring er flink, og omfattende veiledning i regnskapslitteraturen er mangel på. De nylig vedtatte Internal Revenue Service regler om sikringstransaksjoner er absolutt velkomne, men etter undersøkelse ser det ut til å gjøre lite mer enn kapitulere til avgjørelsen om sikring utført av Skattedirektoratet i FNMA v. Programmet benytter en nøye utvalgt gruppe av verdipapirfond som primært investere lenge og kort i aksjer eller bruke sikringsstrategier. Observasjon: Vedtaket fjerner vesentlig usikkerhetsskyen som har forhindret mange skattebetalere i å sikre sikringsbalanseksponeringer. Sønnen Werehog Sonic the Werehog (. Sonikku za Ueahoggu) er en transformasjon som vises i Sonic Unleashed. En bestial, varulv-lignende form av Sonic the Hedgehog. Denne transformasjonen ble opprettet da Sonic ved et uhell absorberte en stor dose av Dark Gaia s energi ombord på Chaos Energy Cannon. selv om selve transformasjonen bare ville bli utløst av nattetid og forblir aktiv til dagtid. Sonic mistet dette skjemaet permanent da Dark Gaia gjenvunnet energien som forårsaket transformasjonen. Koncept og design Tidlig kunst av Werehog ble laget av et Sega-medlem som heter Tanahashi. Han endret Sonics generelle form til noe mer sterk utseende. Skulderen og hodet er forbundet med en enkelt linje, og brystet hans er mye bredere, noe som gir kroppen et utseende av en omvendt trekant. Den endelige designen, sa han, var en dum design som ble laget da han begynte med Werehog. Han baserte designen til en Yeti. 2 Utseende I dette skjemaet ligner Sonic en varulv og han får mer muskelmasse og vekt. Han blir litt større, hans torso blir bredere, hans nesepunkt blir lengre, hendene hans blir større, og armene hans vokser tykke, lengre og muskuløse. I tillegg vokser han neglignende klør på fingrene, han får en frodig og tung mørk blå pels, huden blir blekblå, og tennene hans blir fangs. Han får også pels på steder på nye steder, som på armene og brystet. Egenskaper av hvit pels vises også på håndleddene, på slutten av hans quills og på brystet. På samme måte blir hans ører mer buede, og hans lepper blir svarte. For påkledning, mister Sonic sine hvite hansker, utsetter hendene, og sokkene blir litt frilled i ryggen. Den hvite stripen på skoene hans er erstattet med grått metall som har tre pigger på overflaten, hans såler er nå dekket med små metallspikes. Sonic fikk dette skjemaet for første gang da Dr. Eggman brukte en maskin for å smertefullt trekke ut kraften til Chaos Emeralds fra Super Sonic. med hvilken Eggman ville brenne et spesialisert laservåpen på planeten. frigjøre og vekke skapningen kjent som Dark Gaia fra kjernen av planeten. I prosessen, på grunn av sin nærhet til Chaos Emeralds, angrepet noen av Dark Gaias-energien Sonics kropp, noe som forårsaket sin transformasjon. Sonic forvandler bare om natten fordi det er den eneste tiden da Dark Gaia kan bevege seg og påvirke mennesker. Når han omdannes til Werehog (eller omdannes tilbake til normal), omgir han et lys og en sky med lilla røyk. Sonic the Werehog har en mye forskjellig gameplay enn Sonics normale form. Han angriper med armer og knyttneve i stedet, som kan strekke seg ut og slå sine fiender. På nattetid, mister Sonic sin fart og må kjempe gjennom sværmer av fiender med sin økte styrke. I stedet for å bruke et telt antall ringer bruker Sonic en helsestang, hvor samling av ringer fyller på linjen. Bortsett fra den vanlige evnen til Sonic å kunne rase ned ramper gjennom nivåene, i Werehog-form må du komme seg over hull i en tettgående mote. Sonic beholder de fleste av hans normale evner og personlighet i dette skjemaet, i tillegg til evnen til å snakke, men med mer av en grus enn normalt. Det ser imidlertid ut til at Sonic får litt mindre bestialadferd når han er i denne formen, da han hyler som en ekte ulv i begynnelsen av et nattstadium, under Dark Gaia Phoenix-sjefen, eller når han får en A-rang eller S - rang. Han kan også løpe på alle fire som en ekte ulv og kjempe på en mer ond måte enn hans normale selv. Derfor kan det i utgangspunktet bare betraktes som en mørkere, mer feral form av Sonic i stedet for som et splittperspektiv som andre fortolkninger av varulver. Til tross for dette har Sonic the Werehog fortsatt Sonic the Hedgehogs godt hjerte. Dette skyldes hovedsakelig hans vilje, som er for sterk for Dark Gaia å kontrollere på noen måte. Før den endelige showdown med Dark Gaia, absorberte Dark Gaia sin gjenværende kraft som Sonic for øvrig hadde tatt i starten av spillet, og strikket Sonic av sin Werehog-form for godt. Andre spillutviklinger Sonic Runners In Sonic Runners. Sonic the Werehog er et spillbart Power Type-tegn. I gameplay kan han utføre et midair-dash-angrep og øke distans - og dyrbonusresultatet med 37. Styrker og evner På grunn av sin transformasjon som gir ham økt muskel tetthet, får 3 Sonic en merkbar økning i fysisk styrke, slik at han kan åpne seg dører og innganger, smidig hente opp, kaste og svinge store fiender og gjenstander, ødelegge metallhvelvinger med en hit og til og med topple skapninger flere ganger sin størrelse, for eksempel Titan og The Dark Gaia Phoenix. Mens han mister sin superhøy hastighet, kan Sonic fortsatt kjøre raskere enn det gjennomsnittlige mennesket ved å kaste på alle fire. Han beholder også sin normale lynrask refleks og smidighet, og en liten grad av hans hoppevner. I dette skjemaet kan Sonic strekke armene sine over lange avstander på et øyeblikk. Det er ukjent hvor langt han kan strekke armene hans. Sonic bruker hovedsakelig denne evnen i kamp, ​​slik at han kan øke angrepsområdet, ta fiender fra lange avstander, bygge fart for angrepene sine og skape ulike former for kampflyt med energien i Dark Gaia. Han kan til og med forstørre armene og hendene for å øke kraften og omfanget av angrepene sine enda mer. I tillegg til kamp kan Sonic også bruke denne evnen til å reise rundt, som å gripe på rygg og svinge fra pol til pol. Sonic the Werehog er i stand til å utnytte energien til Dark Gaia, muligens på grunn av at skapningen er kilden til dette skjemaet, for forskjellige applikasjoner. Han kan bruke den i hånd-til-hånd-kamp for å styrke sine angrep, sette opp et kraftig energiskjermer når han vokter. og bruk overskytende Dark Gaia Force. Å samle opp nok av denne energien lar Sonic inn i sin Unleashed-modus. en midlertidig stat som øker styrken, fart og holdbarhet. Teknikker og bevegelser Sonic Werehog bruker en type feral hånd-til-hånd kamp for å bekjempe fiender. I utgangspunktet kan Sonic, når han bruker hevene, håndtere større skade, men bare i et fokusert område og når han bruker klørne, kan han angripe flere motstandere samtidig, men skaden vil bli mye mindre. Svakheter I dette skjemaet er Sonic tregere sammenlignet med sin normale form, noe som gjør ham mindre i stand til å utrulle hans fiender og tvinger ham til å tilpasse seg en ny kampstil. Sonic er heller ikke i stand til å kontrollere denne transformasjonen, siden den automatisk aktiverer og slutter i henhold til solen. Han kan heller ikke male på grunn av sin mangel på balanse i denne tilstanden. Werehog mislykkes ofte når man prøver å kommunisere med mennesker. siden folk vanligvis er redd for ham på grunn av sitt utseende, og derfor kan han ikke være veldig sosial. Dette tar en tolv på Sonic, noe som gjør ham til å føle seg deprimert og litt ute av stand til å møte de han kjenner, som vist når Amy ikke kjenner igjen han mens han var Werehog. Sonic får også et mer temperament i denne formen, sett i Night of the Werehog. I andre medier Archie Comics Sonic the Werehog, fra Sonic the Hedgehog 279. Sonic the Werehog har også dukket opp i serien Sonic the Hedgehog comic og dens spin-offs publisert av Archie Comics. Hans første, om enn ikke-canoniske utseende, var i Sonic the Hedgehog 193. Under den korte Sonic Unleashed-tilpasningen som fant sted i In Another Time, In Another Place reality. Sonic the Werehogs første sanne utseende var i Sonic the Hedgehog 264. kort tid etter at Sonic the Hedgehog kom i kontakt med noen konsentrert Dark Gaia Energy. Hver gang under ekstrem stress som følger, vil Sonic begynne å forvandle seg til Werehog, bare for å undertrykke. Da fanget av Soumerca Egg Army, ble Sonic endelig omgjort til Werehog og mistet kort kontroll. Etter å ha fått trening fra Moss Sloth skjønt, fikk Sonic kontroll over sin Werehog-form. Oh yeah, det er riktig baby - Sonic etter å ha fått en S-rang i 360PS3-versjonen av Sonic Unleashed. Hvordan liker du det, hei - Sonic etter å ha fått en S-rang i WiiPS2-versjonen av Sonic Unleashed. Du har virkelig. Gone og gjort det denne gangen, Eggman - Sonic etter å bli forvandlet til en Werehog. Jeg kjenner små jenter som er bedre med en hammer enn deg, en. uansett. - Sonic etter å ha beseiret Dark Guardian i Shamar i 360PS3 versjonen av Sonic Unleashed. G-Geez, Eggman Simmer ned - Sonic faller midtveis i kampen mot Egg Dragoon. Wow jeg regjerer - Sonic etter å ha fått en B-rang i 360PS3-versjonen av Sonic Unleashed og etter å ha fått en A-rangering i WiiPS2-versjonen av Sonic Unleashed. Trenger jeg en grunn til å hjelpe en venn - Sonic etter at Chip gjenoppretter hans minne og prøver å forlate for å bekjempe Dark Gaia alene. Slå tre monster, det er nok av deg - Sonic etter å ha beseiret Dark Gaia Phoenix i 360PS3-versjonen av Sonic Unleashed. Jeg har det bra. Jeg trenger bare å være forsiktig som ser meg som denne - Andre gang Sonic blir til en Werehog. Uh oh Falt jeg på ham - Sonic trodde at han falt på Chip, og fikk ham til å miste hans minne. Mister Monster Guy. Ser ut som ting har blitt ganske stygg. - Etter Chip kalte han Mister Monster Guy. Aww, kan jeg begynne igjen - Etter å ha fått en D-rang på 360PS3-versjonen av Sonic Unleashed og etter å ha fått en B-rangering på WiiPS2-versjonen av spillet. Hmm, ikke så ille - Etter å ha fått en C-rang på 360PS3-versjonen av Sonic Unleashed. Hmm, ikke så varmt. - Etter å ha fått en C-rang i WiiPS2-versjonen av Sonic Unleashed. Darn - Etter å ha fått en E-rang på 360PS3-versjonen av Sonic Unleashed. Tema SongSonic the Hedgehog (Sonic Boom) Sonic the Hedgehog er hovedpersonen i Sonic Boom-serien. Han er en antropomorphic hedgehog med super løpende hastighet, som kjemper Dr. Eggman og andre skurke sammen med sin vennegruppe som leder av Team Sonic for å bevare fred og frihet. Konsept og etablering Under utviklingen av Sonics redesign gikk utviklerne gjennom en lang prosess der de eksperimenterte med annet tilbehør før de bestemte seg for å holde seg til Scarf Sonic design. 16 17 De avgir med å gi Sonic en nakkeklut fordi den betalte hyllest til det klassiske eventyrtemaet, og var et actioneventyr-trope som passer med Sonics spillkarakterroll, samtidig som han legger vekt på hans oppvekst og get-go-holdning og sin kjærlighet til eventyr. 17 18 Ifølge Bob Rafei er Sonics skjerf delvis basert på Nathan Drake s skjerf fra Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception. 19 Sportstape Sonic wears er inspirert av krigere og amerikanske fotballspillere, og er ment å gi ham en følelse av praktisk heroisme ved å vise at han ikke er forgjeves, noe som er et trekk som er mer passende for skurke, når han redder verden og gir ham en mer jordet tilnærming. 17 Han fikk spesielt sportsbånd rundt føttene for å understreke at spesialiteten hans var fart. 20 Mens hans følgende design var nesten identisk med hans hovedserie-motpart. 21 Han fikk til slutt blåarmer og ekstra pigger for å skille de to. 20 Utseende Sonic beholder mesteparten av utseendet fra sin hovedserie motpart. men har noen fysiske forskjeller. Han er mye slankere, med lengre armer og ben og mer uttalt skuldre, noe som gir ham et slitt utseende. Hans hender er også merkbart mindre. Sonics quills er også litt kortere og messierere, har noen kuksliknende pigger som stikker ut fra topp og nedre quill, og armene er dekket av blå pels, i motsetning til å være hudfarget. Sonic har også en synlig hals, selv om den vanligvis er dekket av skjerfet. For klær, har Sonic et par hvite hansker med mansjetter og et par røde sneakers med hvite mansjetter, gråsåler og en rektangulær gullspenne på toppen. Han har også hvitt sportstape innpakket rundt håndflatene, hælene på skoene og underarmene og bena. Endelig har han en brun nakkeklær. Han har også noen ganger sin Communicator. Ved formelle anledninger som Awardy Awards. Sonic bærer en åpen brun jakke i tillegg til hans vanlige klær, med unntak av hans nakkeklær. 2 Han har også sin egen høyteknologiske klær for undervanns oppdrag som inkluderer en blå våtdrakt med en hvit stripe på hver side og ansiktikonet på brystet, røde flippers som ligner på skoene hans og en gjennomsiktig ansiktsmaske festet til en oksygenbeholder på ryggen hans. 10 På helligdager. Sonic har vært kjent for å ha et langt sølv skjerf og en rød og hvit Santa Hat med en gylden klokke. Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric Sonic møter Lyric. I Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric. mens du utfolder en av Dr. Eggmans onde planer med haler. Knuckles og Amy. Sonic og hans mannskap forfulgte Eggman og Metal Sonic til en fjern øy. Etter kort oppdeling kom gruppen til en uheldig gammel grav. hvor Metal Sonic og Eggmans nyoppkjøpte Destruction Troops hjalp dem. Mot hans lag ønsker, åpnet Sonic graven og fikk sin gruppe til å søke tilflugtssted inni. Da de ble fanget inne, ble Sonic skjult av teamet hans for hans solo-handlinger da de prøvde å komme seg ut, der de ved et uhell våknet Lyric The Last Ancient som viste kjennskap til Sonic, mye til Sonics forvirring, før de fanget dem i hans kjedler som han flyktet. Konvertering av bøylene til Enerbeams. Team Sonic prøvde fruktløst å fange Lyric, og så gikk for å finne Cliff for å få litt info om Lyric. Å finne Cliff, avslørte arkeologen at Lyric var en skurkemann som planla å makte sin sentinelle hær med kaoskrystaller for å ødelegge alt organisk liv, men ble fengslet av hans rase da de oppdaget sin plan. Selv om Sonic ble hardt dømt av sitt lag, satte de seg for å hente krystallene før Lyric. Mens hun søkte sin andre Crystal etter å ha blitt delt opp, oppdaget Sonic og Tails MAIA. en robot som var opprør mot Lyric, i den forlatte forskningsfasiliteten som hjalp teamet ved å skape en tidsportal som førte tusen år tilbake i tid for å hente et kart for krystallene. Da de skulle komme inn i en portal, angrep Shadow the Hedgehog Sonic og Tails, som var ment for å bevise Sonics svakhet. Etter at Sonic slått Shadow inn i en tidsportal, gikk han og Tails tilbake i tid til Lyrics Weapon Facility, der de hjalp en yngre MAIA halt Lyrics operasjoner mens de konfronterte en yngre Lyric. Mens Tails fikk kartet, holdt Sonic Lyric tilbake og fanget ham for sin fremtidige fengsel av de eldre, på hvor han skjønte Lyrics tidligere kunnskap om ham. Sonic er hjørnet av Lyrics-tropper. Bak i nåtiden samordnet Sonic og Tails med Knuckles og Amy for å fortsette jakten. Underveis måtte de fornøyd med en kort allianse mellom Lyric og Eggman, Metal Sonic som hadde blitt omprogrammert til å tjene Lyric, og maktkampen mellom Lyric og Eggman. Uansett, laget overkamte alt og fikk hver Crystal. Da han kom til den siste, var Sonic omgitt av tekstroboter og Lyric krevde krystallene i bytte for Sonics liv. Sonic nektet, men Haler, Knuckles og Amy fulgte. Til tross for det, ble Sonic skutt av tekstroboter og begravet under rubble. Imidlertid gjenvunnet han, og laget gikk etter Lyric til Lyrics Lair. Proclaiming hans venner var hans styrke, Sonic kjempet Lyric med sitt lag. Under kampen brukte Lyric lagene Enerbeams til å lette dem, men før han kunne fullføre dem, trakk Eggman bakfra Lyric bakfra og frigjorde gruppen. Sonic bundet senere Lyric med hjelp fra vennene hans, der Shadow droppet forbi, og fjernet Lyrics technopathy enhet for å inkapacere ham. Med trusselen over, feiret Team Sonic sin seier i landsbyen, med Sonic etter å ha fått en ny følelse av takknemlighet for sitt lag. Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal Sonic lærer om Amys kidnapping. I Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal. Sonic og hans lag reddet Sticks når hun ble fanget i en rockslide, som omhyggelig advarte dem om at en hær skulle komme. Senere ble Sonic kontaktet av Amy. hvem var ute etter å undersøke den tapte krystall av makt. over deres AVA. Gjennom det så han at Amy ble kidnappet av Lyric The Last Ancient. som forsøkte å rive hennes kunnskap om plasseringen av Crystal Shards fra hennes hjerne. Starte et redningsoppdrag, Sonic monterer haler. som fant en måte å spore Amy fra sine datalogger og Sticks, selv om de sistnevnte forsøkte en impulsiv redning, tvunget Sonic til å tøye henne inn og overbevise henne om å jobbe med dem. På vei fant trioen Knuckles. som hadde bevart Amys sti, og rekrutterte ham for deres søk også. Laget etter møtte en merkelig skuespillende Shadow the Hedgehog. som utfordret Sonic til en kamp. Etter Sonic slo Skyggen, lærte helter at Shadow hadde blitt kontrollert av Lyric med en Mind Control Device. Selv om det var et hologram fra enheten, ble gruppen advart av Lyric at han snart ville få kraften til en gud, en gang han var ferdig med Amy. Mens Shadow forlot å få hevn på Lyric, gjenopptok Sonic og vennene sine søket. Innføring av en gammel robotfabrikk. Team Sonic ble angrepet av Metal Sonic. hvem Sonic slo. De fulgte deretter Metal til en øy, sikkert han ville lede dem til Lyric, hvor de fant et fly som de nådde Lyrics Sky Base med. Der befriet de Amy og konfronterte Lyric, hvor Sonic proklamerte kraften til et solidt lag. Lyric separerte så Sonics-laget fra ham med en felle, men Sonic beseiret Lyric og frigjorde laget sitt. Lyric ropte da et våpen for å drepe Team Sonic med, men takket være Shadows ankomst, våpenet ble fult og Sonic droppet Lyric fra luftskipet. Da Sonic dro sitt eventyr med en samarbeidspakke, gikk han hjem mens han argumenterte over lagnavn med Knuckles, skuffet over at Shadow ikke var med i dem. Sonic Boom: Fire amp Ice i Sonic Boom: Fire amp Ice. Team Sonic begynte å oppdage merkelige værmønstre som kunne ødelegge verden hvis de ikke var merket. Kommer til Kodiak Frontier for å få noen avlesninger for Haler. Sonic og Amy avdekket et sprekke som infunderte deres kommunikatorer med brann og iskrefter som de pleide å lukke sprøet. Da de forlot å møtes med Tails, som fortalte dem at forsegling av spjeldet stabiliserte været, kom Sonic og Amy over D-Fekt. en Eggman-robot med nesten ubegrensede magnetiske krefter som forsøkte å hindre dem fra å lukke sprekkene. Ved å finne Haler fant revet en måte å dele Sonic og Amys nye krefter med sine lagkamerater. Ikke desto mindre dro trioen hjem for å forsegle nye sprekker med sine nye krefter. På vei forsøkte de å fange D-Fekt til Eggman kom og tok Sonic til et løp mot hans Ragnium-powered EggBot Racers som en del av en plan for å ydmyke Sonic. Sonic klarte imidlertid enkelt å slå sin motstander og kom tilbake. Sonic og Sticks vender mot D-Fekt. Hjemme, brakte Sonic og hans team inn Knuckles and Sticks som de begynte å forfølge D-Fekt over øyene mens de også forseglet sprekker, mistenker at roboten og sprekkene var forbundet. I mellomtiden vil Sonic gjentatte ganger bli tatt bort for å kjøre EggBot Racers av Eggman. Laget lærte i tide fissurene som holdt Ragnium-mineraler som D-Fekt var dekket av. Team Sonic fikk D-Fekt til å ha en tracker som førte dem til Ragna Rock hvor Eggman gruvedrift for Ragnium og ledde biprodukter fra gruvedrift til tilstøtende øyer, og derved skape fissurer som ødela miljøet. Konfronterer Eggman i hans miner, endte Sonic og Sticks med å kjempe mot D-Fekt for å redde Eggman når roboten gikk overbord, og prøvde å ødelegge Team Sonic for å tilfredsstille sin skaperen. Etter å ha beseiret D-Fekt, gjorde Sonic en smertefull redning av Eggman. Selv om hans Ragnium-gruve hadde gått tapt i kampen, ga Eggman, følelsen forpliktet til å vise takknemlighet, D-Fekt til Team Sonic som takk. Som haler programmerte D-Fekt å være harmløs, led Sonic hjem med sitt lag. Ikke mye er kjent om Sonics forbi annet enn det faktum at han har slått mot Dr. Eggman i årevis. 22 Til tider møtte han sine livslange venner i følgende rekkefølge: Haler. Amy. Knuckles and Sticks. 23 Sammen vil gruppen danne Team Sonic og redde den lokale landsbyen fra hundrevis av tusenvis av Eggman-angrep. 24 Tidligere hadde Sonic og Knuckles noen få eskapader mens de bodde i Amys House. som å la i skunks og konkurrere om å sette hatter på de fleste apekatter. 25 9 Det var også år siden at Sonic spilte Tomatopotamus 2 med vennene sin hele tiden, og ble den beste spilleren av dem, til spillet ble hentet igjen. 26 For å kompensere for hans manglende evne til å svømme, ville Sonic også prøve å ta samfunns svømmelektioner, men støttet ut for å unngå å plage fra barna i nybegynnerklassen. 10 Sesong en Sonic sverger for aldri å la haler bli skadet igjen. Som Sonic jaget Dr. Eggman. Han ble rammet av Burnbot. I sikringsstriden kom Tails til Sonics hjelp i Tornado til Burnbot gjorde Haler-krasj. Etterbehandling Burnbot, Sonic fant Haler i live, men vondt. Sverige for ikke å la Tails bli skadet igjen, solgte Sonic ham som sin sidekick når han gjenopprettet, og holdt try-outs for å få en ny. Under forsøkene søkte både Tails og Eggman, som Sonic ulovlig fikk lov til å fortsette (sammen med Fastidious Beaver) siden han lovet at alle kunne komme. Da Sonic satte opp et løp for å teste dem, så han Eggman, og gjorde Haler krasj inn i en frossen innsjø med Burnbot. Når han kom til Tails-hjelp, druknet Sonic nesten takket være Burnbot, men ble reddet av Tails som hjalp ham med å slå Burnbot. Etterpå samsvarte Sonic med haler og rehired ham. 1 Mens på halerhus. Sonic møtte Eggman, Orbot og Cubot. hvem han motvillig fikk lov til å bli mens lairen gjennomgikk reparasjoner. Økende irritert av Eggman, Sonic og Tails sparket nesten ham ut til Amy fikk dem til å gi ham en ny sjanse. Etter at duoen ble holdt hele natten av Eggman, sa doktoren til hele Team Sonic at han løy om hans lair slik at han kunne utmatte Sonic og Tails, og kalte Obliterator Bot for å drepe dem. Obliterator Bot misheard Eggman og angrep hans lur istedenfor. Overbevist av Eggman for å stoppe det, nådde Sonic, Tails og Eggman Obliterator Bots kill-brytere i lair til tross for deres dårskap mens resten distrahert det. Selv om de ikke kunne redde lairen, hadde Sonic Eggman opphold i ruinene da han prøvde å bunke med ham. 27 Som Sonic, Amy, Knuckles og Sticks kjølt på stranden, viste Tails dem sin universelle oversetter UT. UT skapte imidlertid spenning mellom Sonic og teamet ved å oversette sine private tanker fra underteksten til talen deres. Når Tails og UT kom tilbake neste dag, oversatte UT deres kommentarer til fornærmelser. Da de begynte å kjempe skjønt, oppdaget Tails denne UT var en falsk sendt av Eggman for å rive dem fra hverandre. Mens Tails gikk for å redde den virkelige UT, bodde Sonic og den andre hjemme, og tenkte ikke UT var verdt det. Senere kom UT tilbake for å gi dem en melding fra Tails og oversatte den til et kall for å redde ham fra Eggman. På lairen frigjort Sonic og laget Tails og slo Eggmans Mega. Som Sonic så flere ganger med UT skjønte Sticks det i sjøen. 28 Da Sonic reddet landsbyen fra brann bot. han og hans lag la merke til sticks dårlig behandling av dyr og overbeviste henne om å få et kjæledyr til å lære medfølelse. Kommer med Sticks for å se etter kjæledyr, så Sonic, hun valgte en motbydelig robohund hun heter Buster. I løpet av den neste uken var Buster en irritasjon for Sonic, og laget som kulminerte i Buster holdt dem fra å stoppe et ran laget av Orbot og Cubot. Da de prøvde å lage Sticks gi opp Buster, kom Eggman med en gave og avslørte at han gjorde Buster. Gaven gjorde Buster til en større robot som tok Sonic og laget, men Sticks tok kontroll over Buster og fikk ham til å slippe laget og fjerne Eggman. Teamet sa da farvel til Buster som Sticks frigjorde ham på grunn av sin farlige natur. 29 Sonic eskorte stikker til prisen. Mens Team Sonic var i landsbyen da den ble rammet av meteorer, lagret Sticks dem med sitt forsvarssystem. Senere hørte Sonic og hans mannskap fra Sticks at hun hadde blitt nominert til en Awardy Award. men nektet å gå til de prisbelønte prisene i frykt for å flaut for seg selv. Begrensende, Sonic ble laget Sticks eskorte og hjulpet med hennes dame leksjoner. På galaen var Sonic lært Eggman også nominert (ved å jukse). Da Eggman ikke fikk prisen og angrepet alle i hevn, prøvde Sonic å bekjempe sin Badniks. men ble uføre. Takket være Sticks var Sonic frigjort, og han kjørte Eggman og hans Ballot Stuffer Bot i tilfluktssted, slik at galaksen kunne gjenopptas. 2 Da han forberedte Amys dekorative lunsj, sluttet Sonic seg i stedet for å hjelpe, slik at Amy føler seg uoppskattet. Da Eggman viste seg for å ansette Amy for en redecoration av hans lair for Modern Lair Magazine, godtok Amy det, mye til Sonics sjokk. Da de ikke behandlet Amy rett, tok Sonic sitt lag til Eggmans lair for å se på henne, der Eggman hevdet at Amy hadde valgt å bli. Ikke kjøpe det, Team Sonic brøt inn i Lair og fant Amy encaged. Etter at Sonic hadde latt seg med Amy, slettet laget Eggmans lair og hans Badniks på vei ut, kostet Eggman sin plass i Modern Lair Magazine. For å heie Amy opp, la Sonic redecorate hans shack. 30 På en tur til Meh Burger med Amy ble Sonics måltid utsatt på grunn av Eggman og ansatt Dave. Senere, som Sonic og Tails testet Tails Reverse Polarizer. Orbot kom for å få Cubot reparert. Kort tid etter gikk Sonic og Tails til Eggmans lair etter å ha oppdaget to Doomsday Devices og oppdaget at Eggman og hans intern Dave konkurrerte om å se hvem som kunne ødelegge verden best med deres Doomsday Devices. Som sådan prøvde Sonic og Tails å lure dem til å kalibrere enhetene sine slik at de avbrutt hverandre. Når de opprettet et svart hull i stedet, utførte Sonic Tails plan for å ødelegge den med omvendt polarisator og reddet eksistens. 13 Mens hjemme fant Sonic et parti av onde kaker. men måtte gå med hjelp Haler stopper sin vakuumrobot før han kunne spise en. Da han kom tilbake med haler, ble det bare en cookie igjen, som han ga til haler på hans forespørsel. Senere informerte Orbot Sonic om at laget hans hadde blitt omgjort til Eggmans kloner ved å spise informasjonskapslene (som ble laget av Eggman). Da Sonic gikk til Eggmans lair for å redde laget hans, fikk han corned når Eggman hadde dem angrepet ham. Men da laget hans begynte å kjempe over æren for å fange ham, gjorde Sonic en ond kake med sitt DNA som han ga Eggman, og slår ham til sin allierte. Med Eggman hjelp gjorde Sonic nye onde kaker som han pleide å kurere sine venner. Den gode Eggman trodde de ville nå jobbe sammen, men Team Sonic likte ikke ideen og helbredet doktoren også. 22 Under et Hoverboard-løp sparte Sonic og Tails Gogoba Village fra Weasel Bandits da de plundret det. Da Gogobas fikk dem til å holde seg til en seierfest på egen bekostning, følte Sonic og Tails seg forferdelig og forsøkte å forlate mange ganger, men Gogobas holdt skyld i å snakke dem for å holde seg til de hadde dem som deres beskyttere. When the duo failed to get away by giving the Gogobas a security system, Sonic had the successful idea of guilt tripping the Gogoba Chief into letting them go. Back home though, Sonic saw the Gogobas had moved into his shack so he could protect them. No sooner, the duo was attacked by Eggman and his Badniks. After beating the robots, Sonic and Tails convinced Eggman that the Gogobas would be a great asset to him. Guilt tripping the Chief as well, Sonic got rid of the Gogobas as they chose to follow Eggman. 31 Sonic meets Orbot and Cubot at his shack. Another time, Sonic and Knuckles beat Eggman when he attacked them with his Badniks. The following day, they met Orbot and Cubot who were looking for Eggman. Hearing Knuckles exaggeration of their last meeting, Sonic told where Eggman went. 32 When Sonic played coconut hurl with Knuckles, Eggman came by to attack Team Sonic with Cowbot. a robot that would create a large explosion when destroyed. Sonic therefore distracted it while Tails reprogrammed it, causing it to head for Eggman to kill him. Pressured by his team, Sonic went to warn Eggman with Tails. However, Eggman convinced them to help upgrade his lairs defenses for Cowbot. While waiting for Cowbot, Sonic, Tails and Eggman bonded while roasting marshmallows. When Cowbot arrived, the weapons got gunked up with marshmallows, so they stopping Cowbot by gunking it up too instead. As Eggman then revealed he had planned to make them upgrade his systems for his own usage, Sonic foiled his plan by gunking up the systems as well. 33 During a battle with Eggmans Octopus Bot. Team Sonic were nearly crushed by a rock slide triggered by Tails faulty Unbolterizer. While Sonic stopped Octopus Bot, Tails left the crew until he could fix his invention, despite Sonic reassuring him. No sooner, they met T. W. Barker and his traveling circus who needed stand-in performers. Team Sonic volunteered for this and put on a good show in the evening. As Barker revealed his plan to keep Team Sonic as his performers though, he imprisoned them, specifically Sonic in the Sphere of Fear. Fortunately, Sonic got a call out to Tails who rescued them. Imprisoning Barker, Sonic departed with his team. 34 Over the following week, Sonic competed and won against Knuckles many times, the final game being Gopher Ball. Knuckles, blaming his losses on bad luck, thus tried to use it up by causing himself misfortunes, making Sonic worry for his survival. Persuade by his friends, Sonic convinced Knuckles to have a rematch with him, which was ruined by Eggman who began an invasion of the island. Team Sonic tried to stop the doctor, but Knuckles bad luck and Eggmans current good luck ruined their chances, so Sonic got Knuckles to join Eggman to have their luck streaks neutralize each other. Sonics plan soon worked and Eggman retreated. When Knuckles rejoined them though, they discovered his bad luck had been passed over to Tails. 35 Sonic finds himself in Eggmans body. While out stargazing, Team Sonic saw a meteor landing nearby. When Eggman came to claim the meteor, he and Sonic raced to it, which swapped their minds as they touched it. Brought to Eggmans lair by Orbot and Cubot who thought he was Eggman, Sonic sought out his team when the robots did not believe who he was. However, his friends did not believe him either, and Eggman (in Sonics body) had them drive him off. Using Eggmans army, Sonic returned for a rematch with Eggman when Tails came with the meteor to verify Sonics claims. Though Eggman refused to swap back with the meteor, Sonic made him do so by threatening to cut Eggmans mustache. 36 Following a fight with Scorpion Bot. Team Sonic noticed Eggman sliding into a slump. After not hearing from Eggman in a while, Sonic checked on him and saw he had lost his drive to be a villain. Sonic soon grew bored with the peace and ended up annoying his team with his restlessness. Sonic was later lured to Eggmans lair by his team so he and Eggman would fight again. Though Sonic saw through this, he re-motivated Eggman his own way and their conflict began anew. 37 Having helped Tails built a berry picking machine. Sonic joined his team at the pie festival. excluding Tails who was forced to replant the orchard his machine destroyed. When they returned, Tails had left to join the Lightning Bolt Society and the seeds that had been planted had turned into mutant flora, making Sonic and Amy go get Tails. When they intruded on the Lightning Bolts however, Eggman arrived, who thought they were joining the Lightning Bolts. With the Lightning Bolts only hindering Eggman, Sonic and Amy got Tails back to help them destroy the mutant plants with Tails berry picking machine. 38 After Sonic beaten Eggman in his Moth Bot. he was sued by Eggman when the doctor claimed Sonic had broken his neck. At the trial, Sonic stood to lose due to Eggmans machinations, T. W. Barker serving as Eggmans lawyer, and Knuckles incompetence as his lawyer. Thanks to Amys inference though, Eggman was revealed to be uninjured and Sonic could again fight him. 4 When pulling Tails away from his plane. Team Sonic found Eggman selling tomato sauce. Sonic thought the sauce was poisoned, but found it harmless when he was goaded into drinking it, and left Eggman alone. Weeks later, while dealing with faulty electronics, Team Sonic saw Eggman reveal on TV that his dispersed sauce cans had turned their electronics into robots to conquer the island. Fighting off a small army, Sonic and the others went to confront Eggman while Tails got his weaponized plane under control, but were overrun by Eggmans robots. Fortunately, Tails dropped in and shut the robots down with Eggmans controller while Eggman accidentally foiled his plan by revealing it on TV. 6 While Sonic saw Tails showcase his voice-controlled Tailsmobile. Sonic noticed he had begun making a horrible sound when running, which would have made the Tailsmobile drive Tails into lava had Sonic not stopped it. Unable to determine the cause, Sonic was told not to run. However, he quickly got bored and later felt unneeded when his team kept him from fighting invading Crab Bots. Meeting Eggman, who sympathized with him since he did not deploy the Crab Bots, Sonic confided in the doctor who gave him new shoes which seemingly muted his noise. Back home though, Team Sonic was attacked by Eggman with Giant Robot which grew stronger the more Sonic ran with his new shoes. Unable to remove his shoes or power down the robot, Sonic overloaded Giant Robot by running instead, before celebrating with a run. 39 As Team Sonic had a movie night, they were attacked by the Egg Tank. During the battle, Sonic was saved when Amy deflected one of the Egg Tanks weapons. As Eggman countered it though, an freak accident occurred, creating an time loop where the day kept repeating itself, which only Eggman knew. In this period, Sonic got captured by Eggman after he refined his attack, only for the time loop to reset it. Eggman thus sought Sonics help to fix time. After several repeated attempts, Team Sonic helped break the loop by containing its reaction. 40 Sonic launches a rescue for Sticks. While Sonic was taking Knuckles out para-sailing, they accidentally awoke an unbeatable Granifer Giganticus. As Sonic reunited with his team in the Village as the rock monster trashed it, they realized the rock monster just tried to fall asleep. Discovering they could make the rock monster fall asleep to Sticks lullabies, Team Sonic relocated him when he blocked a road, only for Eggman to try and capture the rock monster. While Sonic got Eggman to retreat, the team noticed the rock monster had fled with Sticks. Failing to find Sticks, Tails Disasterometer located her and Sonic helped rescue Sticks. Sonic then lead the rock monster to Eggmans lair where Team Sonic had him fall asleep to a recording of Sticks singing. 41 As Team Sonic fought Eggman again, Sonic chased him into Buddy Buddy Temple. Falling through a floor, Sonic got injured while Eggmans Eggmobile got damaged. Trapped in the temple and unable to get out on their own, Sonic realized they had to work together and collaborated with Eggman to escape the temple and its death traps. While clearing a trap though, Sonic was left to be crushed by Eggman. However, he was then saved by Eggman who needed help to get out. As temple began to cave in, Sonic and Eggman found a way out as their allies arrived and got everyone to safety. Agreeing to stay as enemies despite their good teamwork, Sonic and Eggman parted ways. 42 When Team Sonic was at Meh Burger, they met Orbot and Cubot who had deflected from Eggman to be their friends, something Sonic did not take a liking to. Soon after, Eggman, Orbot and Cubot came to Team Sonic for help after a computer virus named Nominatus had taken over Eggmans tech to destroy all life forms. As Eggmans robots attacked, Sonic helped hold them off until Tails, Eggman, Orbot and Cubot destroyed Nominatus. Their truce over, Sonic promised Eggman a fight later. 43 Following a day full of activities, Sonic was goofing off with Knuckles when Amy told him to return a library book she had lent him within a few minutes. Finding the book, Sonic tried returning it, but got sidetracked by the Old Monkey. Sticks, a trip to Meh Burger, and Eggman who had him bring him a chili dog after Sonic bought the last one. Short on time, Sonic was attacked by Eggman, who was displeased with his former aid, and his robots, until his team saved him. Then, with some help from his team and Eggman, Sonic returned the book in time in spite of the library closing early. 44 Sonic struggling in the wilderness. Meeting with Amy, Sonic heard she planned to go to Hidden Meadows. As Sticks offered to teach her the survival skills for the trip, Sonic thought he was better for this task and bet with the girls that he could teach Knuckles better survival skills than Sticks could teach Amy. Agreeing to a race to Hidden Meadows, Sonic and Knuckles neglected their preparations, so when the race began, they quickly fell behind. Stumbling through the jungle, Sonic and Knuckles either rejected or failed to notice the girls help, before finding them stuck in an abandoned missile silo. With the girls safe there, Sonic and Knuckles used this opportunity to head for the goal, but was beaten when the girls rode a missile to the goal. 45 When Sonic later pranked Knuckles with his team, they noticed a spy drone from Eggman. Giving the drone false info, Team Sonic lured Eggman into a prank that made Eggman desert technology and his lair. As Sonic was bothered by Eggmans attempts to defeat him without tech, the island got randomly attacked by Eggmans robots and missiles. Sonic sought out Eggman, only to hear from Orbot that the Lightning Bolts Society was behind this, having seized Eggmans lair. Failing to get Eggmans aid, Sonic helped his team attack the lair. When Eggman came though, he helped Sonic outsmart the Lightning Bolts over the surveillance and drive them off, and Eggman returned to his lair. 46 While out playing, Sonic and his team heard from Amy she was opening her own restaurant in response to Meh Burgers bad service. Filling the role of Chez Amy s staff, Sonic and his friends helped Amy, but left as Amy grew obsessed over her rivalry with Dave at Meh Burger. Despite this, Sonic answered Amys call to arms when Badniks attacked Chez Amy. Despite their efforts, Chez Amy was destroyed, so Team Sonic returned to being customers at Meh Burger after helping rebuild it from an Eggman attack. 47 When at Meh Burger later on, Team Sonic met Swifty the Shrew. While everyone were impressed by the hip shrew, Sonic found him annoying, especially after he foiled his attempt to show him up. Once he saw Swifty with Tails, Sonic had enough and was goaded into accepting Swiftys challenge to a race where the loser would be banished from the Village. Despite his efforts, Sonic lost to Swifty and was promptly banished. However, when it turned out to be a plan Eggman orchestrated to leave the Village vulnerable, Sonics banishment was undone. Sonic thus returned and defeated Eggman and his Swifty robots. 5 Sonic caught in Sticks trap. While carrying on business as usual, Sonic would find his property littered with traps from Sticks, who tried protecting the team from the Curse of the Cross Eyed Moose . To stop this, Team Sonic came with Sticks to a marmoset named Monkey-Boy to remove the curse, who had them to do chores to prove their worthiness, much to Sonics annoyance. When Monkey-Boy was attacked by Eggman however, Sonic made the marmoset promise to remove their curse if they saved him. Completing the deal, Team Sonic was able to head home. 48 When Sonic was made the judge of the upcoming Chili Dog Cook-Off. he helped his team manage the event. As the team noticed that those of them who participated had bought phony peppers, Knuckles left to find a new one. At the cook-off though, Knuckles had disappeared, so Sonic and his team went looking, eventually finding him the next day, having passed out from eating a dream-inducing pepper. 49 After foiling Eggman Explode-o-nut plans, Sonic helped with Sticks yard sale that Amy had forced upon her, though Sonic disagreed with Amys intentions. While keeping Eggman from shoplifting, Sonic found Sticks Burrow overrun by the evil Froglodytes which Amy had set free by removing the blockade of their caves in the burrow. As the frogs took Sticks into their caves, Sonic lead the team in there and rescued Sticks using her own junk, and the group resealed the Froglodytes. In the aftermath, Sonic got Eggman to pay for his stuff. 50 To his confusion, Sonic later found Knuckles filling in for Mayor Fink. While Sonic dismissed Sticks concerns, he soon found the Village into chaos from Knuckles approving random bills, so he and his team joined the fellow-minded Eggman to stop him. When Knuckles approval stamp ran out of ink though, they were betrayed by Eggman who seized the stamp to control the Village, although Sonic wondered why it was an issue as Eggman only wanted his trash picked up. After destroying the stamp, Mayor Fink returned to his job, much to Sonics relief. 51 When Sonic and Tails found Obliterator Bot on a rampage and destroyed it, they noticed Eggman was really making a movie. Sensing foul play, Sonic declined Eggmans offer to play himself for his movie. When Amy showed him that Eggman got Dave to play him though, Sonic changed him mind. During the filming however, Sonic walked out when Eggman ejected his and Tails changes to the scrip. Later, Orbot and Cubot told Sonic the movie was a cover-up to mine metal for new robots (which would make them obsolete), but after Sonic stopped Drill Bot. he saw he had been duped into performing for Eggmans movie. Coming to the movie premiere, Sonic learned the movie was meant to enslave the audience with hypnotism. However, it failed due to an error on Eggmans part and everyone could leave. 52 When Sonic picked up Knuckles for a fight with Eggman, he accidently upset the villagers when he told Mike the Ox that he could not come to the fight as he was just a guy. With the Village in an uproar over his behavior, Sonic had to joined Amys sensitivity seminar. When Sonic let Mike join a fight with Eggman as he apologized though, Mike got injured, earning Sonic more ire from the Village and making him retire at Amys next seminar. As the Lightning Bolt Society began harassing the Village, Sonic refused to help until a sheep stampede occurred, during which Eggman launched a sneak attack on Sonic. Thanks to Mike warning him of Eggman though, Sonic stopped the stampede and beat both Eggman and the Lightning Bolts. Having regained the Villages respect, Sonic dubbed Mike a hero for his aid. 53 During a barbeque, Team Sonic met another Knuckles and learned it was a version of Knuckles from a Mirror Dimension. Helping the alternate Knuckles to get back home, Sonics advice to be patient fell on deaf ears when the alternate Knuckles left to get the tech they needed from Eggman. However, when learning their Knuckles was fading and that their dimension was in danger of imploding from hosting two Knuckles, Sonic, Amy and Sticks went to Eggmans lair and got Eggman to release the alternate Knuckles. Back at Tails Workshop. they sent the alternate Knuckles home with tech donated by Eggman. 54 Sonic, after drifting off on a stakeout. Helping Tails when his tools got stolen, Sonic tried accusing Eggman of the theft with Tails, only to find him innocent. While they tried catching the thieves with a trap, Sonic and Tails met Orbot and Cubot who took the duo to the thieves, who turned out to the Cubot prototypes who just needed repairs. As Sonic and Tails helped the rejects, they protected them when Eggman came to destroy them. Driving Eggman off with some help from Cubot, Sonic and Tails took the prototypes to a safer home. 55 When later enjoying some commodities unintentionally provided by Dave the Intern, Sonic heard Dave had imprisoned Eggman and hijacked his forces. After Sonic told of his unconcern for Daves threats on TV, Dave endangered himself and others when trying to attack Sonic with Octopus Bot. As such, Sonic liberated Eggman and made him reveal Octopus Bots weakness after many arguments, which he used to stop Dave. 56 On the day of New Year, Team Sonic set up the Village festival while warding off Eggman and his Ball Bots. When Sonic attended the party later, Eggman launched his Slow Motion Machine which slowed everything down, except for Sonic due to his speed. To restore the world, Sonic accepted Eggmans wish for a showdown and beat him in several games (since Eggmans machine halted any weapons). When Sonic heard that Eggman did all this to beat him just once before New Year though, he let the doctor win. As Eggman restored time to gloat, no one believed him as nobody saw him win, though Sonic provided his nemesis with some comfort. 57 Sonic and crew as Dude-itude. When the Justin Beaver fever hit the Village and turned all the females into crazy Justin fan girls, Sonic decided to investigate Justins producer, Dixon. Forming the boy band Dreamboat Express. Sonic had himself, Tails and Knuckles pass off as Justins opening act to the bouncer Salty and got into the set. There, they heard Dixon was using music-based mind control to sell merchandise and planned to expand it at Justins next concert. Unable to convince Amy and Sticks, Sonic and his band had a sing-off with Justin at his concert to find the frequency to break the mind control with Tails Measure-o-meter. Forming Dude-itude. Sonic and his crew freed everyones will with their power rock ballet. 58 Later, Sonic had a wheelbarrow race with Knuckles before fighting Eggmans Decimator Bot with his team to save Leroy the Turtle. when he noticed Tails acting absent. Seeing that Tails had a crush on Zooey. whom he needed help talking to, Sonic advised Tails to play it cool by demonstrating it with Comedy Chimp whom he had hired. However, Sonics idea did not work. When Eggman attacked again though, Sonic and his crew stayed back on Tails order and watched proudly as Tails stopped Eggman while winning over Zooey in his own way. 59 Having convinced Amy to let them look after her house while she was gone, Sonic and Knuckles accidently ruined her couch, so they joined Bro-Down Showdown to win a new one. Unfortunately, Sonic got paired up with Eggman and had to compete against an envious Knuckles. During the show, Obliterator Bot attacked the Village, but Sonic could not fight it without getting disqualified, as Eggman had planned all along. Regardless, Sonic helped Knuckles stop the robot when it was about to kill the echidna. Fortunately, a stray missile from the robot destroyed Amys couch, removing any evidence of Sonic and Knuckles mess. 25 During a photoshoot Team Sonic watched, Knuckles became famed as Trash Can Head Guy. While Sonic enjoyed the benefits of being a celebritys friend, he worried about Knuckles growing ego when the echidna became the host of the Comedy Chimp Show . Sonics fears would be confirmed when Eggman attacked the set, having been sent there by an envious Comedy Chimp. Sonic thus rallied his friends to Knuckles aid. While protecting Knuckles, the echidna came to help them and renounced his fame in favor of his team, to Sonics approval. 60 After a trip to Meh Burger, Sonic, Knuckles and Amy met Perci who had a biking accident. Enamored by Perci, Sonic fought with Knuckles over helping her until they took her to Tails Workshop to fix her bike. As Sonic tried doing Percis work, he squabbled with his team over pampering her while the workshop caught on fire. After quenching the fire, Tails arrived, and Sonic gave his personal explanation for the mess before Perci corrected it. As Tails realized his security system caused the fire though, Sonic left, guilt-free. 61 Sonic undercover as Bob. Meeting at a crime scene at Eggmans, Sonic was accused of stealing Eggmans Particle Accelerator. and soon other things, so Sonic fled to clear his name. Getting a new identity and a job at a warehouse, Sonic located the real thief, although he first had to help make an elixir for his injured coworker Earl. With Knuckles coming to aid him, Sonic faced the real thief, revealed to be Metal Sonic. Despite Metal using Eggmans device against him, Sonic beat his rival and returned the stolen goods. However, Sonic was still nearly arrested until Earl brought the inert Metal Sonic, proving Eggman was behind it. 8 When Sonic saw Tails display his Super Antenna. he inadvertently inspired Knuckles to begin inventing. Later, Sonic came to the Robot Battle Royale after Knuckles got Tails to compete with him. There, Eggman won the tournament by seizing Tails robot-controlling Hypno-bot in the finals, before using it to take over Tails inventions. While Sonic fought Eggmans forces, Tails got Hypno-bot back and used it to make Eggman retreat. As Sonic suggested using Hypno-bot as a defense against Eggman though, it was blown up by a stray robot. 62 During a heatwave, Team Sonic tried to stay cool while fighting super-charged Badniks. When the latter began acting haywire, Team Sonic went to check on Eggman and saw he had captured the Archipelago Homeowners Association to avoid eviction, whom Sonic freed. After Eggman and the association worked things out, Team Sonic left. 63 Sonic and co. later learned Amy was into Fuzzy Puppies and ridiculed her, before resuming their routines and Eggman fights. Noticing Amys recent absence though, the team spied on Amy and learned she and Eggman were Fuzzy Puppy buddies. Suspicious of Eggman, Sonic had his team watch them at Puppy Con where they stopped a rockslide seemingly caused by the Lightning Bolts, but then learned it was a distraction Eggman staged while he stole a rare game piece. However, Amy defused the situation without Sonics aid. 64 Sonic caught by Eggman. After Team Sonic foiled Eggmans plans again, Sonic agreed to his demands for a fair fight by having the team face him one-on-one. Hearing the others got fooled by Eggman, Sonic snidely faced the doctor himself, only to be caught with gear Eggman had stolen from his team. Fortunately, Sonics friends came to his rescue, and by working together by switching out when needed to keep their deal, they defeated Eggman. After snarking though, Sonic was left in a cage with Eggman by his team for a while. 65 When Team Sonic beat Eggman for the millionth time, they received the Greatest Role Model of All Time Award. However, the teams horsing around made the mayor hire D. B. Platypus to make them better role models, who got Sonic and his team to follow strict rules that made Sticks leave. As the team later tried to stop Eggmans theft of a trophy though, Platypus prohibited from using violence, leaving them helpless until Sticks returned and got rid of Platypus and the audience. Team Sonic could thus return to beating Eggman in their old way. 24 While stuck in Amys House during a storm, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Sticks drove Amy nuts with their antics. When Sonic found Amys secret script for A Rose Without Thorns . the team got mad at Amy for her portrayals of them in it. With Amy mad at them for reading her stuff, the team fell apart as they all began arguing. Though Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Sticks reconciled after a fight, Amy stayed mad since they had trashed her house, so Sonic had them put up Amys play for her as an apology. While it worked, Sonic took those at the play to Amys House as a storm began. 12 Sonic later had a stay-awake challenge with Knuckles which he won when Knuckles was inspired to make amends to Charlie. As Charlie became a villain and started to bully Knuckles with an Ancient weapon. Sonic and his team convinced Knuckles to beat Charlie when he refused to do Charlie more harm afterwards, the team joined Knuckles for a snack. 66 Sonic vs. Shadow. When Team Sonic helped Amy built a bookcase, they got attacked by Team Eggman. Eggmans league of villains. As Team Sonic got separated by Team Eggman, Sonic was left to fight Eggman, Giant Robot and Charlie. Fighting smarter, Sonic was on the verge of winning when Shadow the Hedgehog intervened. Although Sonic was nearly destroyed by Shadow, he managed to beat him when Eggman distracted him. As Shadow left to fight another day, Sonic reunited with his team to play ball with Eggman as payback. 67 Season two When Sonic and crew came to movie star Tommy Thunder s new movie promotion, they stopped Eggman s attack on a baker, inspiring Tommy to observe Sonics heroics for his next role. Though refusing to have an egomaniac around, Sonic was persuaded. Still, Sonic was annoyed by Tommys method acting and how he took credit for his teams next victory over the Weasel Bandits. Regardless, Sonic beat Eggmans forces when Tommy made them attack him and covered for Tommys cowardice by giving him credit for his actions, not wanting to let down Tommys fans, earning him his teams praise. 68 Hearing later from Eggman that an asteroid would hit the earth and destroy civilization, Sonic and Tails suggestion to stop the asteroid when they had it confirmed were ignored by the officials who were focused on buying spots in a bunker that Eggman was selling. After Team Sonic build Tails Solar Convergence Device and Sonic acquired the Egg Rocket (since Eggman wanted the asteroid to hit), Sonic was forced to let the better-suited Knuckles go into space to bump the asteroid off-course with the SCD. However, when Knuckles shattered the asteroid instead, thus making its pieces rain down on them, Sonic gladly sped around the island and used Amys Hammer to deflect the pieces. 69 Sonic seeing the Village revolt. While with his friends, Sonic listened to Sticks frustrations with fluff news. Soon after, he got Sticks to start her own podcast (which Sonic would hear) when she sought to speak truth to power. Sonic would later quell a village revolt while with Amy and Knuckles. He also saw the power-angry villagers destroy Eggmans latest contraption for him when Eggman showed it to everyone. 70 One day, while letting his team conduct (painful) experiments to boost his speed, Sonic left his plane of existence when going too fast with Tails Ultrasonic Speed Amplifier. Getting his bearings, Sonic visited Eggmans lair (thinking Eggman was behind this) before his team contacted him, just as Eggman used Sonics absence to attack the Village. Tails soon entered Sonics plane to save him, and, with Sonics speed, the two returned home in time for Sonic to help his team defeat Eggmans forces. 71 After giving a career speech to the local youth on Career Day. Sonic met Mark the Tapir. his biggest fan. Ignoring his teams concerns about Marks obsessive behavior when introducing him, Sonic made him his assistant to handle minor tasks while he did heroics like battling Charlie. However, Mark would injure Sonic on a trip to a movie and trap him in his cabin so they could spent all their time together. Though Mark caught Sonics friends too when they came for him, the heroes soon broke free and beat Mark. Still, Sonic got some minor fan-phobia from the experience. 72 Following their victory over Vacuum Bot. Sonic was inspired by Eggman to bet with Tails that the fox could not catch him, and the loser had to perform at Meh Burger Karaoke Night. While the over-competitive Sonic easily dodged Tails first traps (which caught his friends instead), he got caught by Tails final trap, only for Eggman to attack him while he was helpless. Fortunately, Sonic was saved by his team, and together they beat Eggman. Sonic then apologized for his behavior to Tails, although he still had him perform at Meh Burger (despite losing their bet). 9 Sonic in the sea. After beating Eggman again, Sonic and co. noticed seismic activity out at sea. There, they found Eggman generating a tidal wave underwater to destroy the Village. Afraid of water, Sonic stalled his teams mission until his team forced him into the sea with the aid of Soar the Eagle s life-coaching. While undersea, Sonic struggled and was nearly downed by a Crab Bot when they faced Eggman. Thanks to his team though, Sonic survived, and used Eggmans new Shark Bots to redirect the Wave Machine. Back home though, Sonic admitted his aquaphobia was worse than ever. 10 When Dreamcaster subtly hypnotized him through TV, Sonic was influenced to not believe Sticks story about seeing Dreamcaster. As Sticks then disturbed the Village with her story on TV, Dreamcaster made Sonic and co. arrest her for breaking into the studio. Sonic soon after became Eggmans zombie slave, who had him and the hypnotized villagers build a world-controlling satellite. He would later attack Sticks when she came to the rescue, but was freed by her with tin foil hats. With the team restored, Sonic and co. freed the villagers and stopped Eggmans plan. 73 Getting introduced to Tails new defense for the Village when Tails repelled Eggman with it, Sonic and co. beat Eggman and his Scorpion Bots at Tails trophy ceremony when Eggman got past the defense in his Egg Tank and used it to attack the Village. Sonic then tried keeping the villagers from shaming Tails. Back at his shack. Sonic took an odd-acting Tails home when he visited, where he met four dimwitted Tails copies. Realizing Tails had split himself, Team Sonic made more copies when trying to remerge them. Gathering the runaway copies, Sonic helped Amy, Sticks and Eggman retrieve those in Eggmans lair. In turn, Eggman helped fuse the copies back into the real Tails. 74 After defeating Eggmans Egg Tank again, Sonic would deny Orbot and Cubot a trip home on the Blue Force One and later go to Eggmans lair with Amy to rescue some villagers he saw Eggman bring with him, only to learn they were his new employees. Sonic soon after stopped Eggman from destroying the Ice Cream Vendor s cart by scaring off his new minions. 75 Sonic on a picnic with Amy. Having stopped Eggmans attack on the Fuzzy Puppy Warehouse alongside his team, Sonic had a picnic with Amy which was ruined by a storm Orbot created. Sonic later united with his team to protect City Hall from Orbot (now an independent villain) and his forces. This battle ended when Orbot destroyed the new villain permits records and Orbot was restored as Eggmans lackey. Sonic then cleared things up with Eggman and his theft of Tails invention. 76 Sonic and co. would later help Knuckles recover from the amnesia he got while they fought off Eggmans latest attack. As Knuckles recalled that he was the last of kind, Sonic would watch him try to find a foster family. Sonic and his team later had to fight both Knuckles and Charlie after Knuckles joined Charlie and Belinda s family and became a villain. Thankfully, Knuckles would rejoin his team and help beat Charlie, and Sonic assured him afterwards that Team Sonic was his family. 77 While playing Jungle Predator. Sonic and co. found a mech suit in an airtight Ancient ruin. Claiming the mech suit, Sonic used it to break his team out of the ruin when Eggman trapped them there and beat Eggmans backup. although he nearly killed Eggman with it. Staying in the mech suit, Sonic soon got taken over by its vile systems. Misreading his teams warnings, Sonic joined Eggman and strong-armed the Village with him. When Eggman sought to betray him though, Sonic hunted Eggman down and took him out. As he threatened the mayor, Sonics team came and rendered his mech suit benign. Now free, Sonic chose to keep his mech suit, just in case. 78 Having gotten Tomatopotamus 2 . Sonic played on it with his team for hours until Knuckles beat him. Having promised chili dogs if he lost, Sonic went for some when Eggman attacked him with FiendBot. Amidst their fight, Sonics heroism made FiendBot betray Eggman to befriend Sonic. With FiendBot following him, Sonic would ultimately let him stay and vouch for FiendBot when his team met him. Later, Sonic and co. fought Eggman, during which FiendBot helped beat Eggman and took a laser blast for Sonic. Sonic thus gave up his video game so Tails could fix him. Making FiendBot a part of the team, Team Sonic gave him a home with the Cubot prototypes. whom he could protect. 26 Having stopped Eggmans search for Ancient tech, Sonic and co. would investigate some robberies. Finding the thief to be Og. a friendly Froglodyte just seeking a new life on the surface, Sonic suspected Og was a spy out to free his kind. Sonic thus watched Og, only to pass him onto Tails when Og annoyed him. When other Froglodytes later invaded the Village, Sonics suspicion about Og got debunked when he faced him. As the horde swarmed Sonic and co. when they later fought them, Og would help the team reseal the evil frogs underground. Afterwards, Sonic made up with Og, who would leave to get his own pad. 79 Archie Comics The Big Boom Sonic running from the Big Boy, from Sonic Boom 1 . On the beach, Sonic had a fight with Dr. Eggman in his Big Boy until Tails. Knuckles and Amy arrived and helped bring the robot down, forcing Eggman to retreat. No sooner, Sticks arrived and told them Tails house had been robbed. Sticks took Sonic and the gang to Tails house, and they discovered that the whole house was gone: what Sticks meant was that Tails house had been stolen, and she explains that a cyborg rock golem rose up from the ground and left with it. Suspecting it was one of Eggmans creations, Sonic tried making a plan when Sticks seemingly caught the scent of the robot. Though it turned out Sticks was only smelling the grass, the group still found the Rock-cyborg by following its footprints and Sonic got his friends to set up an ambush while he lead the robot to them. The others made the robot fall over, allowing Sonic to destroy it and make Tails house fall on its original foundation. 80 Not long after, Eggman returned in the Big Boy and Sonic, Tails, Amy and Sticks engaged the doctor. Amidst the fight, Sonic was knocked away and trapped in a small cage by Knuckles who claimed he was now working with Eggman because he was through with Amy criticizing him. Sonics whole team was soon captured and taken into the Big Boys cargo hold. While Sonic went stir crazy, Knuckles revealed he pretended to work for Eggman to fool him before going after the doctor to free them. Sonic was soon after freed by Sticks and in a rush over freedom, he broke the team of the Big Boy as Knuckles made Eggman retreat. After they had dealt with the stray Orbot and Cubot however, Sonic found Amy in a panic over having lost her hammer. 14 Back at Amys House. Sonic, Tails and Knuckles failed to calm Amy down, so Sticks sent them out to find Amys Hammer. After looking everywhere on the island without luck, Sonic and Tails returned to Amy when her hammer suddenly fell into Sonics hand. Sonic received Amys heartfelt thanks and he returned home for the night. 81 Sonic mourning the Rock of Justice, from Sonic Boom 4 . For a climatic battle with the Big Boy, Team Sonic agreed to battle Eggman, only for Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy to forget about it. Later, Eggman, Orbot and Cubot tracked them down in the Big Boy, where Sonic admitted their slip up, and Team Sonic fought Eggman, but found themselves at a disadvantage against the upgraded Big Boy. Coming to their aid was Sticks, who claimed she had found an all-powerful weapon: the Rock of Justice. Exasperated, Sonic did not believe a rock could help and continued the fight. However, Sticks saved them with the Rock of Justice by throwing it at the Big Boy, causing it to ricochet into the mech and destroy it. After scaring off Eggman and his lackeys, Sonic congratulated Sticks and the Rock of Justice, only to hear that the weapons power had been used up, and Sonic fell a tear at their loss. 82 Boom Shaka-laka and Worlds Unite In the Village Center. Sonic kept an eye on Dr. Eggman as he failed to sell a bridge and later gain the villagers trust. As Sonic mocked him, Eggman called in his minions which Sonic and his team quickly beat, though Eggman got away. Later at Meh Burger. Team Sonic met Eggman again who asked for aid to operate his rides at the Eggtoberfest. which Eggman hoped to gain the villagers trust with. Sonic complied, if only to keep an eye on Eggman. Not long after, the villagers were attacked by Eggmans army which Sonic and his team destroyed, earning them the villagers hailing. 83 As Sonic was attacked by Eggmans Courier Robot. his team came to his defense. The Courier Robot subsequently became a video phone which Eggman contacted them with, and Eggman challenged them to a fair go-kart race in the Go-kart Pan-island Grand Prix. After a little persuasion, Sonic accepted the challenge on the teams behalf, but he was unable to convince Sticks to join, who was sure it was a trap. On the day of the Grand Prix, in go-karts provided by Eggman, Sonic and his team took the lead as the race started, but when Sonic neared the home stretch while unaware that he was being scanned. he noticed his friends had left the race. As he then crossed a bridge, Eggman triggered a trap that made Sonic fall into the ravine below. 84 Fortunately, Tails, Knuckles and Amy, who were also victims to Eggmans traps, saved him just in time, but as they prepared to get Eggman, Sonic convinced them to wait for that until he had proven that he could beat the doctor fair and square in his own race. 85 With some help from Knuckles, Sonic got back on the road in his go-kart and soon took the lead despite Eggmans numerous attempts to stop him with traps, but as he neared the finish line, where Sticks was waiting, Eggman attacked with his Spider-Kart and kept Sonic from completing the race. However, Sonics friends then arrived in Tails Plane and kept Eggman occupied, which allowed Sonic to cross the finish line and win the race on his own terms. He then joined his team in trashing the Spider-Kart, thus driving Eggman in retreat. Sonic then expressed his gratitude to his team, unaware of where Sticks had gone during the fight. 85 When Sticks returned, Sonic and team joined her at a campfire and listened to her absurd story about fighting an evil robot alongside an interdimensional army. Needlessly, Sonic humored Sticks by supporting her story with how he always turned gold and flew around. 86 After weeks of beating Eggmans Mebot models, Sonic was called in by Eggman to stop a rampaging gorilla he had ordered. However, Sonic discovered the gorilla, named Kyle the Gorilla. was actually a good guy and let his stay with him rather than with Eggman. When Kyles clumsiness proved too much to live with though, Sonic took Tails advice and tried getting Kyle a job. After several attempts, Sonic got Kyle in on the Comedy Chimp Show where he fit in perfectly in the slapstick segments. 87 Sonic later tried taking a nap, but was disturbed by Kyle who convinced Sonic to let him try a new (clich) bit on him, unaware that Eggman was watching. 88 Other game appearances Sonic Runners Sonic makes a minor appearance in Sonic Runners alongside his main counterparts, Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic. Here, he is simply featured on the 2016 Birthday at Windy Hill events notification image. Sonic Dash 2: Sonic Boom In Sonic Dash 2: Sonic Boom . Sonic is a playable character who is available from the start of the game. In gameplay, his special power is Dash Magnet which lets him attract Rings while dashing. In later updates to the game, Sonic makes an appearance on the High Score menu, holding the first place with a score of 1,000,000 points. Personality Much like the wind, Sonic is free-spirited and always on the move. 59 He has a passion for adventure and is very much a thrill-seeker, always looking for the next thrill, challenge, and triumph. 15 89 For Sonic, speed is a way of life he runs fast, thinks fast, and even eats fast. 89 Being addicted to speed and action, Sonic gets bored and restless during extended times of peace. 37 In fact, Sonic cannot process the aspect of being restricted and being unable to move makes him extremely stir crazy. 14 He acts on instinct and lives in the moment, though he is impatient, impulsive and tends to run headlong into trouble without a plan. 89 90 While he can be shortsighted of others feelings, making him blunt, honest, and rude to a fault, his heart is nevertheless always in the right place. 91 Sonics typical driving force is his immensely large, self-obsessed ego, yet his demeanor is normally laid-back, cool and carefree. Possessing a snarky tongue and sassy attitude, he is likewise cocky, brash, quick-witted, playful and often jokes around even in dire situations. When the situation calls for it though, Sonic can be serious and will immediately rush to aid those in dire need. Always on the heroic side of things, Sonic is very benevolent with a strong sense of justice and fair play, 85 being fully committed to helping out those in need at all times. Sonic also does not back down or give up, because he has an unwavering belief and faith in himself and his abilities. 89 Sonic is also noted to be very courageous. 3 91 However, he suffers from a severe case of aquaphobia which has only worsened with time. 10 While he often acts like he does not care, Sonic is rather protective of his image. To this end, he will get rid of any documentation and preferably dodge any performance that does not show him looking cool, even if it means his friends will look bad. 9 92 Sonic can also get rather over-competitive when contending with another, prompting him to let things get way out of hand out of overconfidence. 9 Though having his own fair share of quirks and willing to fool around just for the sake of it, Sonic is very grounded and has a profound common sense that often makes him the straight man amongst his friends. Though rather selfless when saving the Village, Sonic does come off as somewhat sensitive about his hero-status, becoming extremely jealous, defensive, and frustrated whenever someone else rivals his fame, steals the spotlight or when the civilians turn against him. 5 53 69 As such, when deprived of the chance to be the hero, Sonic gladly springs into action when he gets the opportunity to save the day in the end. 69 This mindset even led to him temporarily retiring due to how ungrateful the citizens were for his efforts. Even so, when the times really call for it, Sonic will forgo his opinions to help those in need. 5 53 Sonic is also a true chili dog enthusiast who can identify the ingredients of a chili dog with one bite. 49 3 Sonic is noted to be strongly loyal towards his friends. Though he may not always show it, he cares deeply for his friends and will do anything for them. 90 91 Early on though, Sonic was somewhat of a loner and cynical. While he was willing to work with his friends in times of need, he would show more interest in going out alone and would even take credit for what the team did collectively. With time though, Sonic grew to see how his team made him stronger and realized that his friends were his strength. Since then, Sonic has become a much more admirable team leader, being quick to ask for help and acknowledge their collective contributions, though he is still kind of snarky. Powers and abilities Sonic exceeding the speed of sound. Sonics most notable skill is his super speed, allowing him to run faster than Mach 1. 39 Though his exact top speed is unknown, he is credited as the worlds fastest hedgehog and even the fastest being in his universe 83 90 he can effortlessly create a sonic boom. 1 run along the surface of water, walls and ceilings, outspeed lasers, start small fires due to friction on the ground, and create strong enough gusts when taking off to knock over boulders. His speed is so impressive that even the Slow Motion Machine could only reduce it to normal levels. 57 As far as stamina goes, Sonics is seemingly limitless, as he claims he never gets tired. 8 In line with his speed, Sonic has significant acrobatic skills and agility, sufficient enough to perform perfect synchronized mid-air movements. He also has extremely quick reflexes, being able to react instantly to dangers and perceive high speed movements in slow-motion, and has enhanced jumping skills, allowing him to jump very high into the air. Sonic possesses significant physical strength, though not on the same level as Knuckles. He can kick a robot hard enough to knock it through a rock wall, his spinning maneuvers can smash through walls, and he can punch with enough force to cause cracks and release shock waves, though it is debatable whether it is due to his super speed, his strength, or a combination of both. Additionally, Sonic can even run at maximum speed while weighted down by objects larger than him. Sonic is also shown to have incredible durability, surviving several laser blasts from powerful Destruction Troops which were meant to kill him. Sonic curling to attack Burnbot . Sonics main offensive maneuver is his spin attack , where he curls tightly into a concussive ball. In this stance, Sonic can damage, destroy and mow down obstacles or foes when in motion. One of his signature moves is the Spin Dash. a nearly unavoidable move where Sonic spins on the spot before blasting off at full speed which can destroy most foes with a single strike. 4 Sonic has mastered this move to perfection, being able to use it with enough precision to weld metal fences together from friction. 53 While not a strategist like Tails, Sonic has a very quick wit and has often come up with his own plans to take down his enemies. 39 53 He is also a skilled combatant, and his fighting style relies on his footwork styles along with fast-strike tactics and quick maneuvers. Sonic wields a Communicator. a multifunctional and waterproof smartwatch-like device created by Tails. This device allows Sonic wide-ranged radio communication between similar devices. It can as well generate its own Enerbeam (an energy tether that can latch onto objects or form a makeshift whiprope), tell the time, interface with Sonics high-tech wetsuit, and assume other powers. Sonics clothes are also able to glow, enabling him to explore otherwise dark areas. 78 Weaknesses Suffering from aquaphobia. Sonic is incapable of swimming and sinks in water. 1 10 He is also unable to utilize his speed properly in certain environment (such as on smooth ice), although he has the Blue Force One for such situations. 9 Relationships Doctor Eggman Sonic and Eggmans strange relationship. Dr. Eggman is Sonics arch nemesis and arch rival, 33 93 though their relationship is very complex. On one hand, Sonic has a strong dislike of the doctor and fights him on a weekly basis, 53 though he does not really take account of him and teases him with jokes and sarcasm. 1 On the other hand, when not battling, Sonic and Eggman keep a rather passive relationship where they let each other be nearby without seeking conflict. At times, the two have even been known to hang out together, 33 though Sonic normally retains his general dislike and annoyance of the doctor. When Eggman claimed to be homeless, Sonic even allowed him to stay at Tails home, though it was more on the grounds of proving himself the better person. 27 While Sonic is quite happy to let Eggman stew in the trouble he has made for himself, he always ends up saving Eggman since it is the right thing to do. 27 33 Ironically, Sonic knows a lot about Eggmans character and his preferences due to their frequent encounters, enough to let them get to the finals of Bro-Down Showdown. 25 Because of his constant victories over him, Sonic has a tendency to underestimate Eggman and forget how dangerous he can be. 65 When dealing with a common threat or problem, Sonic and Eggman are willing to put aside their differences and work together, even sometimes showing a sense of good-spirited comradery and well-oiled teamwork, though they both agree that they can never really be friends because of their different standpoints. 42 For all their opposing ways, Sonic and Eggman are ultimately co-dependent and need each other in their lives. While he does not mind Eggman leaving his life, 56 Sonic finds things too boring for his taste without Eggman to fight, which makes him restless and paranoid. Similarly, without Sonic to challenge him, Eggman has no motivation to be a villain. For better or worse, their never-ending conflict is what drives them and keeps their lives balanced. 37 Team Sonic Miles Tails Prower Sonic affectionately hugging Tails. Sonics best friend and most trusted companion is Miles Tails Prower. He shares a brotherly relationship with Tails and they are equal partners in Sonics adventures. 18 94 They are extremely close and both are willing to sacrifice their life for the other. 1 Sonic knows in particular that Tails always has his back when he is in trouble, and he will similarly come to Tails defense when the fox needs support. 71 74 Also, when wrongfully sued, Sonic noted Tails was the one witness among his friends that he could rely on, underlining just how much trust he has in him above all others. 4 While Sonic appreciates Tails support and unwavering loyalty however, he does not like it when he is patronizing him. 47 Sonic and Tails are often hanging out or going on adventures together by themselves, unlike most other of Sonics friends, hinting how close Sonic is to Tails. They rarely show any strife or hostility between each other and have proven themselves a near-perfect duo both provides strengths to the others weaknesses (Sonic handles the muscle while Tails handles the smarts) and neither of them would get far without the others aid. 13 In addition, they have proved to well together in combat. 1 31 Conversely, they are just as willing to engage in friendly competitions with each other simply for fun. 9 31 While their competitions may not always turn out well due to Sonics overconfidence and Tails zeal, they still respect and care for each other so much that both of them refuse to hold a grudge at the other, regardless of the outcome. Even so though, Sonic is not above having Tails take his place in otherwise embarrassing situations. 9 Though he might put Tails in danger with his half-baked plans, Sonic cares very much for his well-being, and will take care of him whenever he behaves oddly. 74 At the same time, Sonic has been known to be overprotective of Tails, like when he fired him as his sidekick after a brutal battle so that he would not get hurt. Once Tails proved himself though, Sonic regained his faith in him and rehired him on the spot. 1 Sonic taking a selfie with Amy. Amy Rose is another one of Sonics close friends and teammates, although their relationship is complex. 95 While Sonic at times acts confused about hints to Amys crush on him, 28 it has been hinted that he is aware of it. 61 This ambiguousness does little to hurt their friendship and concentration, like when they searched for a Chaos Crystal together without Sonic struggling, and Sonic is completely comfortable hanging out with Amy. However, like most of his teamates, he is very afraid of her temperament. 25 78 Due to Amys tendency to take charge, Sonic perceives Amy as extremely overbearing and bossy which brings her at odds with his own laid-back attitude. 61 He is also not very fond of Amys ideas for group activities. While Sonic sometimes acts inconsiderate to Amy, he still appreciates her as a friend and teammate, and will try making up with her whenever he has upset her. 30 Sonic often claims to have no interest in Amys love life, such as denying Amy being his girlfriend with suppressed anger when she was addressed as such by Dr. Eggman. 25 However, he brushed off his concerns in an embarrassed way when Knuckles teased that Amy was getting ready for a date and said nothing when Dr. Eggman asked about his deal with Amy. 33 64 Most noticeably, the Bro-Down Showdown buzzers called out Sonic for being wrong when he denied Amy being his girlfriend. 25 Also, according to UT. Sonic cares about Amys well-being. 28 Knuckles the Echidna Sonic and Knuckles pulling off a foolish stunt together. Knuckles the Echidna is another of Sonics close friends and teammates. However, the two of them are opposites in many ways, with Sonic being sensible, cool, and snarky while Knuckles is goofy, dim-witted and always disagreeing with him. Sonic in particular likes to tease Knuckles and does not think he is the sharpest tool in the shed, viewing him as a simpleton that always messes up without his supervision. 28 61 Sonic and Knuckles share a mutual bond of respect, though it was not always like this. During their mission to stop Lyric. Sonic was often reprimanded by Knuckles for all the mishaps he caused. Over time though, Sonic slowly reconciled with Knuckles and eventually made up with him. Nowadays, Sonic and Knuckles are deep down the truest of friends (though they will never really admit it), referring to each others as bros. 25 Even when Knuckles turns against him, Sonic refuses to hurt him when it comes to blows. 77 To Knuckles in particular, Sonic helps fill out the kind of loneliness he gets about being the last of his kind by being the family he longs for. 77 Sonic and Knuckles friendship exhibits a unique dynamic compared to their other relationships: whereas Sonic is more formal around his other friends, he and Knuckles are much more relaxed and outgoing when together, often spending their time hanging out by roughhousing and goofing off with various extreme (and often foolish) activities. 25 33 59 Akin to Tails, Sonic can also be very selfless for Knuckles sake even though it meant facing Amys wrath, Sonic willingly forfeited his chances to avoid it in order to save Knuckles from Obliterator Bot. 25 Both Sonic and Knuckles have a friendly rivalry going on 94 and they tend to compete with each other in all kinds of activities. Though Sonic normally remains cool about their rivalry since he usually wins, he rejects the idea of losing to Knuckles on purpose. 35 Sticks the Badger Sonic helping Sticks practice her manners. Sticks the Badger is a member of Sonics crew and one of his closest friends. The two are alike in the sense that they go running into danger without a plan, a direction, or a clue, though it usually falls on Sonic to be the more sensible of them. Like his other friends, Sonic is normally unnerved by Sticks paranoia and stays skeptical about her theories and judgement in general. 48 61 He also hesitated to tell her that Lyric had kidnapped Amy, showing a degree of fear for her outbursts. Nonetheless, Sonic accepts Sticks quirks and will apologize for doubting her when he is proven wrong. Likewise, Sonic thinks she is a very nice person deep down. 61 Very loyal towards Sticks, Sonic likes her penchant for tackling foes head-on and considers her a valued teammate. In spite of his personal dislikes, he will also agree to help Sticks with her tasks at hand, like being her escort to a gala and going pet shopping with her. 2 29 Once though, he considered himself a better survival expert than Sticks until she put him in his place. 45 Due to his heroic actions, Sonic is well-known and beloved by the inhabitants of the Unnamed Village. and is highly respected for protecting both them. At times (despite usually regarding him as a normal guy), they have been known to treat him like a celebrity of sorts, hosting a celebration after he (and his team) saved the village one million times, watching him with piqued interest whenever he makes a scene, constantly bringing him up on the news, and occasionally asking him for his autograph. At the same time, however, the villagers tend to be rather critical of Sonic, openly judging and shunning him for his behavior in public and his suspicion of Eggman when he appears innocent. When doing so, however, the villagers often take things too far, even going so far as to side with those who are against Sonic, and completely disregard his good deeds, usually leaving Sonic frustrated (one time to the point that he temporarily retired), though it usually takes no more than another act of heroism to win them back over. Though the rest of his team is often treated in a similar fashion, Sonic tends to take more of the backlash than anyone else. Lightning Bolt Society Despite being enemies, Sonic does not think highly about the Lightning Bolt Society. Like most others, he thinks they are a bunch of losers and hardly considers them a threat. 45 53 Among this group, Sonics most persistent foe is Dave the Intern who often tries to destroy him (when not serving him at Meh Burger ), though Sonic hardly spares him a thought. 33 56 Nevertheless, though Sonic often ignores their usually minor schemes, he will not hesitate to stop the Lightning Bolt Society whenever they stir up too much trouble. 45 53 Shadow the Hedgehog Sonic fighting Shadow. Shadow the Hedgehog is Sonics arch rival, who can match him in both speed, abilities and dashing looks. 96 Outside physical similarities though, Shadow is the antithesis to all that Sonic is. Whereas Sonic is joyful, free-spirited and adventurous, Shadow is a brooding, serious and violently aggressive individual. While Sonic relies on his team and believes in teamwork, Shadow is a loner who only relies on himself. Sonic and Shadow share a bitter arch-rivalry which goes way back. Between the two of them, Sonic is much more lucid about their rivalry, with Sonic approaching Shadow in his usual casual manner or being willing to walk away from him, whereas Shadow is quick to pick a fight. However, Sonic is easily angered by the way Shadow criticizes him for being weak, and they usually end up arguing when they strike a conversation. While deeming Shadow a hard case, Sonic nonetheless believes he would be a great addition to Team Sonic. displaying great respect for Shadows skills. Lyric the Last Ancient Sonic, after trapping Lyric. In Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric . Sonic had a deep relationship with Lyric the Last Ancient. having been the one who stopped his plans a millennia ago via time-travel. Sonic himself viewed Lyric as a slithering psycho. When first meeting Lyric after accidentally freeing him, Sonic was confused over Lyrics knowledge of him and his grudge at him (since Sonic had yet to stop him in the past). As he learned of his story with Lyric, Sonic became surprisingly determined to stop his plans to destroy the world, to the point where he would bear the responsibility alone since he had set Lyric loose. In the end though, Sonic saw he could not defeat Lyric alone and involved his team. Debunking Lyrics taunts of how his friends were his weakness in their final fight, Sonic beat Lyric with some aid and saved the world, redeeming himself for releasing Lyric. In Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal . Sonic had a less prominent, but still antagonistic relationship with Lyric. After Lyric kidnapped Amy. Sonic made it his personal mission to defeat Lyric and save Amy. Upon meeting him, Sonic was acknowledged as a worthy foe by Lyric, whom Sonic taunted with how he was unstoppable with a team behind him. In response, Lyric trapped Sonics team. Defeating Lyric and saving his team, Sonic ensured his end as Shadow engaged him. Friendsallies So what Hes gonna burn me with flamethrowers or something 8212Sonic giving his two cents about Burnbot s name, The Sidekick How to say this delicately. Youre a horrible roommate and no one in this house likes you. 8212Sonic talking to Eggman during their roommate meeting, Can an Evil Genius Crash on Your Couch for a Few Days Yeah, just for a second, pretend Im not a science guy. 8212Sonic, Double Doomsday Too slow Ha You forgot who youre talking to 8212Sonic, Double Doomsday Ha Guilty as charged So whatll it be, kid. Autograph Want your picture taken with me Maybe a bite of this comically large sandwich Huh 8212Sonic, Dont Judge Me Ah. not my best moment. But hey, even when facing certain doom, I still look good 8212Sonic, Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric trailer You know what I think is compassionate Saving the village from Eggman Like, every week But do I get any props for that No Everyone just goes around gasping at me whenever I call a guy a guy, or people people 8212Sonic losing his temper, Just a Guy Being a role model is overrated. I much rather be. hilariously edgy 8212Sonic, Role Models I guess when you get tired, you can just recharge. Whats the difference between you and me, Metal, I. dont. get. tired 8212Sonic battling Metal Sonic, It Wasnt Me, It Was the One-Armed Hedgehog Call off your goons or Ill smash you into next week 8212Sonic threatening Eggman, It Takes a Village to Defeat a Hedgehog Time for some true blue hero-ing 8212Sonic about to his thing, Strike Sonic is the only character in the Sonic Boom television series to have appeared in every episode so far. One of Sonics quotes (One ring to rule them all.) in Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric is a reference to The Lord of the Rings . According to Tails, Sonic has a beautiful singing voice. 4 It has been said that Sonic cannot cook. 24 Sonic has a coconut husk collection which he cherishes. 13 Sonic can play the guitar, as seen during his concert with Dude-itude. 58 Sonics favorite movie is Space Pigeon 2 . the best movie in its trilogy. 25 Sonic has a secret method (which he is unwilling to share with even Tails ) to holding in his food while running at extreme speeds. 71 By his account, Sonic has dozens of fans, although most of them are only criticizing everything he does. 72 Sonic has confirmed that he (as of yet) does not have a Super State. 86 Sonic is the second character from the Sonic Boom franchise to be featured on artwork published by Sonic Channel. the first one being Sticks. referanser

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